Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Mind and Body Connection - A Brief Overview

Mind and Body Connection - A Brief OverviewMind and Body Connection is one of the core methods utilized in the arts of energy healing. Often referred to as 'energies' by those who have more experienced in this field, energy healing is a more recent idea that is moving from the fringes of the physical sciences into mainstream society.The body, mind and spirit are one. These four elements are woven together in the invisible fabric of our reality. If you were to take all the energy in the world, the sun, the moon, the planets, the stars, the asteroids, and everything else in the universe, and place it into a single piece of cloth, the results would be an energy field with only four colors.Light blues, reds, purples, pinks, lavenders, and yellows. While each element within this grid is itself radiating a different color, there is always the same blue light emitted from the center. Now take the identical four elements but place them on opposite sides of the cloth.In this case, the colors will be askew and will result in different angles of light and shade in their radiance. Light brown is radiated from the center of the star, whereas the yellow light will radiate from the yellow side of the rectangle. If you would like to create a similar field of color, then it is just a matter of adjusting the angles of these light colors so that the top, the bottom, and the sides of the rectangle will be in harmony.To create this field of color, the mind has to be focused on the main color of the star, which is in reality light brown. You must also feel the distinct energy that flows through you as if it were an individual element, along with the color blue. Once you have created this field of energy in your mind, then you can begin to focus on the other colors within it.You can focus on each color independently if you wish, but if you want to maintain balance within your mind, you should focus on all the colors at once. To do this, simply close your eyes and notice how the color s of the mind surround you and flow around you, filling all the spaces in your field of vision. At first, you might feel a bit dizzy, but this effect will pass. With practice, you will become accustomed to feeling the colors at the same time.Mind and body connection will assist you in removing energies that block your progress in your practice of self-healing. There are many books, articles, and teachings available on this topic.

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