Tuesday, May 19, 2020

The Perfect Family - 632 Words

Throughout the years the idea of the perfect family living in the one story house with a white picket fence has changed in various ways. The ideal family has always been mother and father coming together as one, living under one roof, raising their children, extending their family values and morals. However, in the 21st century, things have changed and divorce rates are higher than ever. 50% of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri. Divorce doesn’t just come out of the blue, infidelity and pressure to marry are just some events that lead into the separation of what used to be the happy couple. The first couple of months are always the most exultant. Couples are in what is known to be the honeymoon stage. They’re getting to know each other and still get the butterflies in their stomachs when they’re around each other. Unfortuna tely, in some cases, the affection between the two may begin to fade away. Stress, not enough time together and even money are reasons as to why that may happen. Whenever either partner isn’t receiving more attention they miss it and notice others who do give them the love, affection and attention we as humans always crave. â€Å"You don’t just marry that one person but also their entire family.† That quote has been around for ages and is very popular in Latin American countries and indeed is true. Family from bothShow MoreRelatedPerfect Life And Perfect Families1539 Words   |  7 PagesPerfect Life and Perfect Families What is a perfect life or perfect family? From an outsider looking in, what does that life look like for you? Is the pressure of comparing your family with others and realizing that you do not measure up to what you see? We all have dreams of what our ideal life would be. 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